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Sale: 3 Generator x 4 SCR / 1500HP SCR System For Barge Rig

2015-07-26 10:25      Click£ºtimes
Subject: 3-Generator x' target='_blank'>SCR / 1500 HP' target='_blank'>SCR System for a Barge Rig

A description follows for a 1500 HP SCR System for use on a barge rig and will include the following rig electrical equipment. 

• The Power Control Room (SCR House) will be Top Lift Only, and be equipped with roof mounted handrails and an access ladder mounted on the outside (just as the original)

• The PCR (SCR House) will be designed for use in a non-hazardous area

• Includes power and control provisions for an Eddy Brake (Baylor Brake) to include an MCC feed, and internal cables. Our proposal does not include the actual Brake Controller or the transformers. 

• The standard electronic engine/generator controller uses a 0-200 mA signal to control the engines direct fuel rack and thus its engine speed. If necessary, a 4-20 mA engine speed signal conversion kit is available for engines that cannot use the 0-200 mA signal.

• Includes provisions for a split buss link to allow the 600 VAC buss to be split into an A-Buss and B-Buss.

• Includes provisions for drip-shields for all cabinets and MCC.

• All power and control cable terminations are intended to be “hard-wired” through ROX frames. No plug boards will be used. Will include the ROX frames only.


The Drive System will be designed to control and power the following loads:

Four (4) Model 1500 I-Drive SCR drives for:

• One (1) 1000 HP drawworks, driven by two (2) x 500 HP DC Series-Wound DC motor (2 x GE 752, 1-Reverses, Parallel Arrangement)

• One (1) 1000 HP independent rotary table driven by one (1) x 1000 HP DC Series-Wound DC (1 x GE 752, Reverses)

• Two (2) 1300 HP mud pumps, each driven by two (2) x 650 HP Series-Wound DC motors (4 x GE 752, Non-Reversing)

Three (3) A/C Engine/Generator Controller Sets for:

• Three (3) 600 VAC, 3-Phase, 60 Hz Engine/Generators 1125 kVA


A. One (1) I-DRIVE SCR System as follows: 

4- Model 1500 I-DRIVE SCR Drive Cubicles each equipped with electronic controllers, primary and secondary assignments, and 600V feeder circuit breaker switches
1 – Drawworks Dynamic Brake System
1 - Interface/Service Cubicle for the SCR System
1 – PLC Control System with Emergency Analog Back-Up
1 - Driller’s Console
1 - Drillers Foot throttle
1 – Automatic Dynamic Brake System (unclutched DW Braking)
1 – Slip Sprocket Protection System for dual motor loads

B. One (1) I-DRIVE Engine/generator Power Control System for Three (3) 600 VAC engine / generator controls as follows:

4 - Generator Control Cubicles each equipped with electronic controllers (metering module, governor module, and voltage regulator module) and 600V feeder circuit breaker
1 - AC Generator Synchronizing Cubicle
1 – kW/KVA Power Limit System
1 – AC/% DC Ground Detection System
1 – HOCC (Hands-Off Cranking Control) System: starting engines

C. One (1) 600 VAC 3-Phase Feeders

2 – 600 VAC 1000 KVA Transformer Feeder Circuit Breakers interlocked so that only one can be closed at anytime

D. One (1) 480 VA/C Motor Control Center 3-Phase, 60 Hz with A/C motor control and feeder breakers.

11 – Vertical Sections of MCC Total with dual interlocked feeders

MCC will be equipped with motor starters and circuit breakers to match the existing MCC. MCC will also be equipped with drip-shields

E. One (1) Low Voltage Distribution and Lighting Distribution Panel with 3- pole, 2-pole, and 1-pole breakers as required (will match the existing unit but may be relocated to a new location in the house.

F. One (1) Power Control Room outdoor, weatherproof, insulated, mobile steel building equipped for Top Lifting Provisions. The building will contain the above wired and tested equipment.

Mounted on the skid or on the outside of the control room are the following:

2 - Two air conditioning units (7.5 Ton)
2 - Power Transformer (750 KVA, Copper Wound)
2 - Lighting Transformer (112.5 KVA, Copper Wound)
1 - Dynamic Breaker Resistor

The complete system will be designed to NEMA, IEEE, API standards for use on a marine type drilling rig. 

The System will consist of four (4) Model 1500 SCR drives. The specifications of each drive are as follows:

One (1) isolated full wave, full control, three-phase, forced air-cooled SCR Bridge with input/output ratings as follows:

Input Voltage 600 VAC 3 phase, 60 Hz

Output Voltage 750 VDC
Continuous AMPS 1500
Intermittent AMPS 1850

Efficiency: 98 % at full output
Operating temperature range: -200C to +500C (-40F to +1220F)
Storage temperature range: -380C to +500C (-36 0F to +1220F)

* Each SCR Converter section will contain:

• 1 Full wave, full control, SCR bridge
• 1 DC control electronics with self-diagnostics feature and local speed potentiometer
• 1 Main Circuit Breaker Switch, manually operated, molded case, with under voltage release, BOLT-IN construction.
• 3 Individual SCR cell fuses for proper fuse/SCR coordination
• 1 DC Voltmeter, 250 degree scale
• 1 DC Ammeter, 250 degree scale

* Each SCR converter is to have four (4) adjustable current limits with automatic switching as load assignments change.

* A main AC copper bus will extend continuously through all cubicles, which will be rated the same as the main AC bus in generator control switchboard.

* The DC Switchgear will consist of all the necessary DC contactors and DC output bus necessary for customer connection to the SCR drive system.

* KW/KVA limiting circuitry monitors the available power and compares it against the KW/KVA in use, so that the power consumed by the SCR system does not exceed the available power on the line.

* A surge protection panel will be provided, complete with feeder breaker and high capacity metal oxide varistors. 

* A % DC Ground Detection Meter is provided to constantly monitor DC ground isolation

* Control power will be 120 VAC for best contact integrity and line noise immunity. The system will be provided with a control power transformer to provide control for standard contactor logic and alarm function. Each SCR converter section will be assignable to two (2) loads. Assignment switching will provide 100% redundancy in case of converter or load failure.

* Converter load assignment will be interlocked so that switching will be done only at zero current for longer contact life.

* All logic functions will be provided according to customer specifications and necessary safety functions. There will be two (2) SPST load interrupting main contactors for each assignment.

* Dynamic Braking 

Motor braking will be resistive loading to prevent possible generator over-speed under light loading conditions. Full control will be maintained to protect against impact shock to the driven equipment.

• Safety and protection features:

DV/DT surge protection
Bridge over temperature detection
Rectification air loss detection via over-temp
Blown fuse bridge shutdown
Current limiting, four (4) adjustable for assignable loads
Fast acting properly sized fuses for SCR bridge protection
Provision for lock-out switches on MP, DW and RT

* Standard features:

One (1) 1600 AMP Circuit Breaker Switch BOLT-IN type, with under voltage trip, aux. contacts (4), manual charge, manual close
One (1) Voltmeter 0-1000V DC
One (1) Ammeter 0-2500A DC 
Assignment contactors two per load, properly sized with copper bus bars for output
Assignments, up to four (4) alternate assignments per bay (two with reversing)
Single or two motor operations from one bay
Dynamic braking with resistors and contactors

* SCR design features:

Heat sinks of extruded, anodized aluminum
Control voltage is 120 VAC with transient protection
KW/KVA current limiting for the total rig power supply
I-Drive Electronic DC control module plugs into DC cardrack mounted behind protective door 
Continuous main AC bus compatibility sized with AC power available
Front accessible cabinet for all components SCR 

* SCR DC Cardrack (DC) Module/Test Panel Features:

1) I-Drive SCR Control Module: The control module contains the firing circuit for Three Phase Full Wave SCR Bridge. 
2) I-Drive control module has voltage; speed or torque regulators built-in with integrator and proportional control loops.
3) There is no calibration of I-Drive control module for adjustment of the throttle or current limits.
4) All I-Drive electronics designed for 500C ambient temperature operation.
5) I-Drive module is a standard unit; interchangeable on any system, on shore/off-shore, single motor, two motor operation and series or shunt motors.
6) I-Drive DC cardrack has switch selected meter inputs for monitoring critical module parameters.
7) I-Drive SCR control module plugs into the DC cardrack (no possibility of miss-wiring when replacing the module).
8) I-Drive Current limit settings for different assignments are set on the test panel and are separate from the control module. 
9) I-Drive Current Limit calibration setting to remain when the SCR control module has to be changed.
* Features

The following are main features of the I-DRIVE SCR Control System:

1. Voltage, current or speed feedback controls to maintain constant speed of DC motor for all loading.
2. Capable of accepting up to four assignments, each with its own C.L. current limits
3. Speed control for shunt or series DC motors
4. Load sharing for two motors in parallel
5. Generates a calculated speed signal for speed control of series motors
6. Capable of load sharing with other I-DRIVE SCR bays
7. Power limiting signal from generator control
8. Safety features for proper SCR drive operation
9. SCR control module easily removed by qualified technicians by plug in vibration resistant connectors.
10. No field calibrations
11. Voltage and current outputs for metering
12. Alarm indications for SCR over-temperature and blown fuse
13. Automatic bridge shutdown for blown fuse condition

* Power Limiting From Generator Control:

I-Drive Power Limiting protects the diesel engine/generator set(s) from dropping "Off Line" due to an overloading. When maximum KW or KVA capacity has been reached, the system "phases back" the outputs of the SCR drives connected to the AC Buss, and thus prevents the generator sets from dropping off line due to an overload.

* Current Limit Circuit

The I-Drive SCR Control Module accepts four different current limit settings, which corresponds to the four possible assignments of the SCR drive. The I-Drive SCR DC cardrack test panel has four potentiometers where the Current Limits are set. The current limit settings are a separate module from the D/C module which allows changing the D/C module without resetting current limits.

* Remote Current Limit

The I-Drive SCR Control Module allows for a remote current limit input. This setting is used with the current limit setting of the Rotary Table.

Firing Circuit Regulator:

The I-Drive Firing Circuit Regulator works in conjunction with the AC Buss Phase Sensing and the Six Gating Pulse circuits. The SCR firing pulses are referenced to the Three AC Lines, and timed to trigger the respective SCR's at the correct instant. 

There are six firing pulses (each spaced 60 degrees from the previous) in each cycle and all are adjusted simultaneously by the firing enable circuit to get the correct SCR firing angle.

* Inverse Timed Over-Current Module (plugs into the DC cardrack)

This feature allows the I-Drive SCR drive to deliver more current for a short period of time than what is preset with the current limit Calibration as set on the DC cardrack test panel. This feature can be used in situations where high current is needed for short periods of time, I.E. for a drawworks motor. The amount of overcurrent allowed is set at the Timed-Overcurrent Module, from 110% to 130% of the present current limit for approximately 60 seconds. After the 60 seconds period, the current will revert to the normal current limit as set at on the I-Drive DC cardrack test panel so as not to damage or overheat the SCR bridge.

* Alarms

There are two alarms in the I-Drive SCR drives:

Blown Fuse

The I-Drive SCR Bridge has the capability of detecting:

1. Over-temperature: When the SCR Blower is lost or the SCR house internal ambient temperature rises to an unacceptable level so that proper cooling of the SCR’s is not possible, a set of thermo-switches, mounted on the SCR bridge heatsinks detect when the temperature goes above 70 degrees C and signals an alarm condition 

2. Blown Fuse: The SCR bridge has a set of semi¬conductor fuses for the protection of the SCR's. If any of the fuses open, the FFAS (fuse failure alarm signal) is activated (isolated contact closure) and the firing pulses to the SCR bridge are automatically inhibited

* Zero Throttle Interlock:

All the controls ARE interlocked. If the bay is re-assigned during power on, the bays shut down and will not restart until their respective throttles have been returned to the ZERO (off) position. This includes the foot throttle.

* SCR Drive Construction Specifications

The I-Drive SCR drive is of modular design, compact, NEMA type 1 A construction WITH DRIPSHIELDS, front access only. The D.C. control module contains the circuitry necessary to control the SCR Bridge’s output. The module is interchangeable between all I-Drive SCR systems. The module is furnished with no adjustments necessary. The module is easily disconnected for replacement should the need arise. This makes for a minimum of “down-time” should a failure occur.

The I-Drive SCR cabinet is so designed so as not to have any pockets of abnormally high temperature. 

The I-Drive SCR Bay cooling is assisted by a squirrel cage blower forcing air in the direction from bottom to top of the cabinet. Air is drawn in through a filter in the lower section of the front door. It then proceeds over the contactors, DC buss, and into the blower intake. The blower’s output airflow goes directly into the plenum below the SCR bridge, into the bridge heatsinks (the point of the most air flow resistance), out the top of the bridge, upward past the circuit breaker and AC buss, and out the top of the cabinet.

The I-Drive SCR Bridge is composed of three (3) identical and interchangeable modules (Phase Cells). Each Phase Cell has an AC input flag, a minus DC output flag, and a plus DC output flag. In the Phase Cells the discrete SCR devices have heatsinks on both sides. Thermodynamics proves that this allows the SCR devices to operate at a lower temperature than single sided “bricks” for the same device current. The lower the operating temperature, the more reliable the SCR device is. The system is designed for low maintenance and to operate in ambient air temperature up to 50 degrees C without air conditioning.

* Dynamic Brake

The I-Drive drawworks dynamic brake will slow the drawworks motors from full speed within eight to ten seconds after the foot throttle is released. The power of the free wheeling motor is fed back into a resistor bank. During normal operation the dynamic brake system is non-operative, and the drawworks is either OFF or operating at the desired cathead speed. If however, at any time the motor speed is higher than the DW throttle speed setting, and the foot throttle is OFF, the dynamic brake system is actuated, reducing the motor speed to the DW throttle setting.

* Driller’s Foot Throttle

The I-Drive foot throttle is constructed of rugged stainless steel throughout; built to withstand the environment normally encountered on the rig floor. 

The foot throttle is a compact unit constructed of stainless steel. The unit is designed for air purging for use in a Class 1, Division 2 area.

* Driller’s Console

The I-Drive Drillers Console will be NEMA type 4X construction of #316 stainless steel1 outdoor weather proof and provided with air purge/pressurization fittings to allow use in a Class 1, Division 2 hazardous area. All assignment switches, hand throttles and controls will be front mounted on the door. All meters, instruments and annunciators will be mounted behind the front door with a safety glass view window provided to view the meters and instruments, etc. The door will be attached with stainless steel hinges and positive latching stainless steel latches. 

The door will be fully gasketed to prevent the entrance of moisture and to prevent air leakage to the atmosphere.

All internal wiring and control receptacle wiring will be to terminal blocks. The drillers console will contain the following:

1-SCR assignment switch
1-Hand throttle for drawworks speed control
1-Hand throttle for rotary table speed control
2-Hand throttle for mud pump speed control (one each pump)
1-Drawworks forward - reverse switch
1-Rotary table forward - reverse switch
1-Rotary Table torque limit
1-Rotary Table torque meter scaled for Amps
1-Rotary Table blower ON lamps, clear
1-Drawworks blower ON lamps, clear
2-Mud pump blower ON lamps, clear
4-SCR cubicle ON lamps, amber (one per SCR bay)
3-Generator ON lamps, green (one per generator)
1-Percent Power Limit Meter
1-Power limit lamp, red
1-Purge loss alarm, indicator lamp red
1-Ground fault indicator lamp, red
1-Alarm annunciator Acknowledge on/off switch
4-Auxiliary motors ON light (one per function), clear
4-Alarm status indicator lights (one per function) blinks respective “on” lamp
1-SCR Emergency shutdown push button
1-Generator Emergency shutdown push button
1-Control Voltage on, green
1-System Alarm Indicator Lamp, red


One set of I-Drive generator control cubicles consisting of three (3) each I- DRIVE model 1200 engine/generator control modules, breakers and related equipment for the control of three (3) each engine/generator sets and a synchronizing and ground detection cubicle.

Each I-Drive Engine/Generator Control cubicle shall include:

The I-DRIVE Engine/Generator A/C Control cubicle contains a Circuit Breaker section, an AC electronic control section, and an AC Support section.

* Circuit Breaker Section (generator feeder)

One (1) 1200AF/1200AT Circuit Breaker of DRAW-OUT type, insulated case, manually charged, electrically operated, with the following features:

42 KAIC Interrupting Capacity rated
Designed for zero maintenance
Solid state protection and control, long time, short time and instantaneous trip settings, under voltage trip, and auxiliary contacts

One lot of solid copper properly sized and braced full-length horizontal bus bar with silver-plated connections.

* Instruments and Controls

1 – A/C Ammeter switchboard type 1 % accuracy properly scaled
1 – A/C Voltmeter switchboard type 1 % accuracy properly scaled
1 – Kilowatt Meter switchboard type 1 % accuracy properly scaled
1 - Kilovar Meter switchboard type 1 % accuracy properly scaled
1 – Generator “online” indicating lamp
1 – Lot current and potential transformers

I-Drive AC Electronic Control Section contains the AC cardrack. Three modules plug into the AC cardrack. They are the Engine Electronic Governor module, Generator Electronic Voltage Regulator module and the Metering control module. All external connections to the AC cardrack are by barrier strip (screw type).

* I-Drive A/C Control Features: AC Alarm Circuitry for all associated protective needs:

Reverse power trip
Overload alarms
Electronic governor
Voltage regulator
KW/KVA load sharing
Voltage adjust rheostat
Engine control switch: off-idle-run-load
Fault indicators
Engine run LED
Breaker close verification
Under frequency alarm/trip
Over frequency alarm/trip
Under voltage alarm/trip
Over voltage alarm/trip
KW/KVA power limit
Reverse sequence detection
Speed adjust rheostat

I-Drive Governor control is independent to provide maximum independent reliability; NO master/slave control is utilized.

* Metering Module: provides the following features and functions:

AC Voltmeter drive (full scale 1% accuracy)
AC Ammeter drive (full scale 1% accuracy)
Kilowatt meter drive (full scale 2 % accuracy)
Kilovar meter drive (full scale 2 % accuracy)
Frequency meter driver
Power Factor meter driver
Generator "on line" (CB closed) indicator
AC phase ammeter switch
AC phase voltmeter switch
Latching Over-Voltage alarm indicator
Latching Under-Voltage alarm indicator
Latching Over-Frequency alarm indicator
Latching Under-Frequency alarm indicator
OV, UV, OF, and UF shutdown drivers
Reverse Power shutdown driver
Latching Reverse Power alarm indicator
Alarm reset button

* Governor Control Module: provides the following features and functions:

Generator run indicator
Engine off, idle, run, load switch
Speed adjust Rheostat
Speed regulation + 01% no load to full load steady state and + 1% transient loads.
Dynamic KW load sharing - each regulator is independent and automatically shares when placed “on line” KW sharing can be set to track within 2% of rated KW of generator.
Droop load sharing optional
Response time 0.4 to 1.2 seconds, depending upon engine type and fuel used.
Load sharing response and steady state regulation within + 3% of the proportion load sharing from no load to full load.
Engine speed ramp typically 7 seconds from idle to run service.

* Voltage Regulator Module features:

Load regulation + 1% maximum from no load to full load
Voltage adjust Rheostat
Response time less than 0.8 seconds
Output rating of 63 VDC @ 10 AMPS or 125 VDC @ 10 AMPS
Dynamic KVAR sharing - each regulator is independent and automatically shares when placed “on line” KVAR sharing can be set to track within 2% of rated KVAR of generator.
KVAR sharing during transient loads will not exceed 5% of rated.

* Hands-Off Cranking Control

The HOCC System will supply power for the engine starting circuit and the pulse pick-up circuit in each generator control module. The system/operation will consist of the following.

1 – Set of Hands off cranking batteries consisting of gell cell batteries and electronically regulated battery chargers to provide cold start power for engine controls.

1 –Engine control power supply (each generator control section) to provide engine control power to each engine. Upon initial start up (cold) the batteries will supply cold power to the engine controls to allow engine starting. After the generators are online, the engine control power supply will provide control power for continuous operation. After the engine control power supply is activated, the batteries will drop out and revert to stand-by power in case of primary power supply failure.

* Synchronizing and Ground Detection Cubicle: for full parallel operation of the A/C generator system to consist of the following:

2 - Synchronizing Lamps
1 - Synchroscope
1 - Synchronizing Switch
1 - Synchronizing Check Relay
1 - Frequency Meter
1 - Volt Meter
1 - Set A/C & % DC Ground Detection Lamps, with test button
1 - Generator Selector Switch
2 - Bus PT’s
2 - Batteries with their charger
1 - % Power Phase back driver assembly 

* 600 VAC Feeder Breaker Distribution

The following 600V Distribution breakers will be located in the main 600V, A/C line-up.

2 Each - 800AF/800AT circuit breakers, DRAWOUT MONTED each to feed power to one (1) 1000 KVA 600/480V power transformer and interlocked so that only one can be closed at one time


One (1) Motor Control Center 480VAC, 3P, 60 Hz and Feeder Breakers per the following:

Motor Control Center will be NEMA Type lA Construction, front access only with horizontal and vertical solid copper bus. Motor starters to be motor starter/circuit breaker combination type full voltage, non-reversing with 3 pole overload blocks, overload heaters, control power transformer, fuses, operating handle, and start/stop push button (or H-O-A Control) in the door.

The horizontal buss will be copper and suitably rated. The vertical buss will be will be copper and rated for 300 amps. A copper round buss will run the full length of the MCC Line-up. 

480V MCC Function Listing: IECS will supply a MCC system for control of the AC motors per the following:

MCC Load Name Size MCC Device Device Control
Potable Water Pump #1 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Potable Water Pump #2 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Fuel Pump #1 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Fuel Pump #2 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Sump Pump 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
BOP 50A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #1 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #2 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #3 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #4 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #5 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #6 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Agitator #7 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Stove #1 50A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Stoves#2 50A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Brake Cooling Pumps #1 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Brake Cooling Pumps #2 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Shale Shaker #1 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Shale Shaker #2 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Salt Water Pump #1 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Salt Water Pump #2 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Drill Water Pump #1 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Drill Water Pump #2 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Exhaust Blower #1 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Exhaust Blower #2 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Exhaust Blower #3 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Exhaust Blower #4 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Desilter 60HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Trip Tank Pump #1 40HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Trip Tank Pump #2 40HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Desander 60HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Crane #1 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Crane #2 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bug Blower #1 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bug Blower #2 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bug Blower #3 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bug Blower #4 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bug Blower #5 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Wireline 15A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Baylor Brake 60A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Logging Unit 60A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Bulk Air Compressor 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Rig Air Compressor #1 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Rig Air Compressor #2 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Quarters #1 20A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Quarters #2 20A Feeder Circuit Breaker Others provide Start/Stop
Mud Mixer #1 75HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Mud Mixer #2 75HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
SCR House AC #1 60A Feeder Circuit Breaker
SCR House AC #2 60A Feeder Circuit Breaker
Rig Lighting XFMR #1 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker
Rig Lighting XFMR #2 150A Feeder Circuit Breaker
Spare 75HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Spare 20HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
Spare 30A Feeder Circuit Breaker
Spare 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter Remote Start/Stop
DWA Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
DWB Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
RT Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1A Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1B Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1 Rod Oiler 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1 Chain Oiler 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1 Liner Washer 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP1 Charging Pump 75HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2A Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2B Blower 10HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2 Rod Oiler 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2 Chain Oiler 3HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2 Liner Washer 5HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA
MP2 Charging Pump 75HP FVNR Mtr. Starter HOA

* Low Voltage Distribution and Lighting Feeders:

One (1) NEMA type lA enclosure with 3 pole, 2 pole or single pole breakers for the following:

Rig Lighting 1 30AT / 1-Pole Gen 1 Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Lighting 2 30AT / 1-Pole Gen 2 Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Lighting 3 30AT / 1-Pole Gen 2 Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Lighting 4 30AT / 1-Pole Gen Lighting 1 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Lighting 5 30AT / 1-Pole Gen Lighting 2 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Lighting 6 30AT / 1-Pole Gen Lighting 3 15AT / 1-Pole
Tool Pusher Trailer 100AT / 3-Pole DWA Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Company Trailer 100AT / 3-Pole DWB Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Change Trailer 100AT / 3-Pole RT Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Logging Trailer 50AT / 2-Pole MP1A Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Spare 100AT / 2-Pole MP1B Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Spare 50 AT / 2-Pole MP2A Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Spare 15AT / 1-Pole MP2B Space Heater 15AT / 1-Pole
Spare 15AT / 1-Pole SCR House Lighting 15AT / 1-Pole
Spare 15AT / 1-Pole SCR House Recpt 15AT / 1-Pole
Rig Floor Lighting Panel 100AT / 3-Pole

* Power / Lighting Transformers

2 Each 1000 KVA, 600 V 3ph Delta primary 480 VAC, 3ph wye secondary 60 Hz COPPER-WOUND NEMA 3 outdoor enclosure dry type (mounted on skid porch)

2 Each 112.5 KVA, 480/600 VAC, 3 PH primary 120/208 VAC, wye secondary 60 Hz COPPER-WOUND NEMA 3 enclosure dry type, to provide lighting/low voltage power (mounted on skid porch).


One (1) Each Power and Control Room with the above equipment mounted wired and tested to be of the following construction:

Power Control Room will be designed for TOP LOADING Lifting Eyes to facilitate loading and unloading.

PCR Dimensions: 33 Feet Long, 10 Feet Wide, 10 Ft / 8-In Tall

The columns and ceiling framing will be constructed from structural steel. The outside steel sheeting will be fabricated from sheet steel, min. 12 ga.

The walls and roof sheeting sections will be welded together. The floor will be fabricated from three sixteenth inch thick smooth steel plate. The inside surface of the walls will be finished with a sandwich style insulating board, three eights inch thick with white pebble coating in the interior. The ceiling will be formed from inverted Tee-Bar and lay-in insulated ceiling board.

The Power Control Room is an outdoor, weatherproof, mobile steel building. The structure will be equipped with the following features:

Two (2) industrial steel doors are provided on the sides with "Anti-Panic" handles for quick, easy opening. Doors open outward. Doors can be locked from the outside but can be opened from the inside even when locked.

• All external connections will be wired to plug-in connectors accessible from outside the building.
• Aisles will have a rubber neoprene mat, full length of the aisles.
• Walls are insulated with polystyrene block material. Minimum R-19 energy rating.
• The PCR will be primed and finish painted inside and out.

* Lighting

Standard 48-inch fluorescent lights, a battery operated emergency light activated by loss of power on generator main bus, and convenience outlets for customer use will be provided.

* Air Conditioning Units

Two (2) 7.5-Ton Self-contained air conditioning units that will maintain the inside temperatures within the design limits of the installed electrical equipment are included. The air conditioning will be supplied by a total of two units. Either unit will maintain operating temperature limits with one for a back-up. These air conditioning units will be fed from the A/C MCC. AC units will be installed on the roof.

The following equipment will be IEC factory installed, wired and tested:

A. I-Drive AC Generator Control
B. I- Drive SCR Drilling Control System
C. Motor Control Center
D. Low Voltage Distribution Panel
E. Transformers
F. Interior Lighting
G. Air Conditioning Equipment

The exterior of the building will be cleaned with a sweep blast of sand to remove scale and oxidation. The exterior coating will consist of a sub-coat of zinc rich primer, and covered with a coat of polyurethane, color white. The interior floor of the building will be covered with black colored epoxy enamel. The skid base will be primed and painted black.

The transformers, air conditioning units and dynamic brake grid resistors will be mounted at the end of the building.

Building will also be equipped with hand rails and access ladder for the roof.

A complete PLC Controller System (hardware and software) to control and monitor the SCR system. The system will include:

1 ea Control Power Transformer & Power Conditioner (600:120V)
1 ea Touch Screen Color Monitor (mounted on the SWBD)
1 set PLC hardware (CPU, Pwr Supply etc.)
1 set IECS Software customized for this system

At a minimum, the software will be designed to display the following SCR System operation parameters on the monitor:

PLC Communication Status
Ground Fault Status
Generator On-Line/Off-Line Status
SCR ON-Line/Off-Line Status
SCR Bridge Blown Fuse Indicator
SCR Bridge Over-Temperature Status
SCR Bridge Amp (0-2000 A)
SCR Bridge Volts (0-750 VDC)
Active Power Limit Indicator
DC On-Line Assignments
DC Auxiliary Motor On-Line Assignments
RT Current Limit Settings

1 set PLC Bypass System: Allows the rig to continue to operate utilizing an analog/relay control system if the PLC fails. A manual select switch allows the operator to choose between the PLC or Analog/Relay control system

Subject: CAT 3512C Engine/Generator Sets
Reference: IECS 080 350

New Caterpillar 3512C, 1365 KW, 1476 HP, KATO equipped as follows: 

NOTE - Includes one Caterpillar 12-cylinder, direct-injected, turbocharged, aftercooled diesel oilfield engine; 4 cycle, 170 mm bore x 191 mm stroke (6.7 in bore x 7.5 in stroke) with separate-circuit after- cooler and optimized for low emissions. Engine rotation is standard (counter-clockwise as viewed from flywheel end). 

AIR INLET SYSTEM - Aftercooler core, corrosion resistant Air cleaner, regular duty, with soot filter. Service indicators. 

CONTROL SYSTEM - Caterpillar ADEM A3 ECM, LH. Requires 24V DC 10-amp continuous, 20-amp intermittent, clean electrical power. 

COOLING SYSTEM - In order to ensure compliance in use, optional or customer-supplied radiators must be capable of rejecting enough heat to allow proper operation at worst case site conditions, and also must supply 122 deg F (50 deg C) SCAC cooling water to the aftercooler inlet, with an SCAC flow rate of at least 100 GPM (379 l/m) with an ambient temperature of 86 deg F (30 deg C) and at-site conditions (including altitude considerations). Maximum allowable SCAC flow rate is 115 GPM (435 l/m). RADIATOR COOLED LAND BASED: Outlet controlled thermostat and housing. Jacket water pump, gear driven. Dual outlets: 88.9 mm O.D. (3.5 in) elbow hose connections. Aftercooler fresh water cooling pump (SCAC), gear driven centrifugal SCAC pump circuit contains a thermostat to keep the aftercooler coolant from falling below 30 deg C (85 F). 

EXHAUST SYSTEM - Exhaust outlet: 292 mm I.D. (11.5 in). 12-10.5 mm dia holes EQ SP, 376 mm bolt hole dia. Shipped loose: Exhaust flexible fitting: 318 I.D. mm (12.5 in) 12-14 mm dia. holes EQ SP, 375 mm bolt hole dia. 306.6 mm tall with compressed gasket. Exhaust adapter: 297 mm I.D. to 340 mm I.D. (11.7 in to 13.4 in). 12-10.5 mm dia. holes EQ SP, 376 mm bolt hole dia. 12-13.8 mm dia. holes EQ SP, 430 mm bolt hole dia. 158.5 mm tall with compressed gasket. Weldable flange: 360 mm I.D. (14.2 in). 12-13.8 mm dia. holes EQ SP, 430 mm bolt hole dia. 17.4 mm wide with compressed gasket. Exhaust manifolds, dry. Dual turbochargers with w/c bearings. 

FLYWHEELS & FLYWHEEL HOUSINGS - Flywheel, SAE No. 00 Flywheel housing, SAE No. 00 SAE standard rotation 

FUEL SYSTEM - Fuel filter. Fuel transfer pump Flexible fuel lines Fuel priming pump, LH Electronically-controlled unit injectors. 

INSTRUMENTATION - Electronic instrument panel, LH. Analog gauges with digital display data for: Engine oil pressure gauge. Engine water temperature gauge. Fuel pressure gauge. System DC voltage gauge. Air inlet restriction gauge. Exhaust temperature (prior to turbochargers) gauge. Fuel filter differential pressure gauge. Oil filter differential pressure gauge. Service meter (digital display only). Tachometer (digital display only). Instantaneous fuel consumption (digital display only). Total fuel consumed (digital display only). Engine start-stop (off, auto start, manual start, cooldown timer). 

LUBE SYSTEM - Crankcase breather Oil cooler Oil filter. Shallow oil pan Oil pan drain valve, 2" NPT female connection 

MOUNTING SYSTEM - Rails, mounting, floor type, 254 mm (10 in). 

POWER TAKE-OFFS - Accessory drive. Lower LH front (available for PTO usage). Front housing, two-sided 

PROTECTION SYSTEM - ADEM A3 ECM monitoring system provides engine de-ration, or shutdown strategies to protect against adverse operating conditions. Selected parameters are customer-programmable. Status available on engine- mounted instrument panel and can be broadcast through the optional customer communications module or programmable relay control module(s). Initially set as follows: Safety shutoff protection, electrical: Oil pressure, water temperature, overspeed, crankcase pressure, aftercooler temperature. Includes air inlet shutoff, activated on overspeed or emergency stop. Alarms, electrical: ECM voltage, oil pressure, water temperature (low and high), overspeed, crankcase pressure, aftercooler temperature, low water level (sensor is optional attachment), air inlet restriction, exhaust stack temperature, filter differential pressure (oil and fuel). Derate, electrical: High water temperature, crankcase pressure, aftercooler temperature, air inlet restriction, altitude, exhaust temperature. Emergency stop push button, located on instrument panel. Alarm switches (oil pressure and water temperature), for connection to customer-supplied alarm panel. Unwired. 

STARTING SYSTEM - Air starting motor, RH, 620 to 1034 kPa (90 to 150 psi), LH control Air silencer 

GENERAL - Paint, Caterpillar Yellow Vibration damper and guard Lifting eyes 


3512 PETROLEUM 3512 PETL 1
1476 BHP (1101 BKW) W/O FAN HP01476 1
1476 BHP (1101 BKW) W/O FAN . DM7912A 1
1200 RPM 1200RPM 1

Total Estimated Weight: 14100 LB TAG£º