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F-1600 泥浆泵
6-1 Mud Pumps
6-2 泥浆泵
QTY. 2 EA. Model: F-1600
Two sets 1600 HP mud pumps, each complete with lubricating oil system, supercharge
pump system, and liner flushing system. Driven by Two DC motors rated 800kW for each Mud
pump. The mud pumps are mounted on heavy duty skid which also accommodates the drive
motors, belt and belt shield.
两台1600 HP 泥浆泵,每台泵需配润滑系统、增压泵系统和衬管清洗系统。每台泵分别由2
Each mud pump equipped with:
a) 6′′ X 8′′centrifugal supercharging pump driven by 100 HP, 3P, 480V, 60HZ, 1800-RPM
explosion proofs motor located on the mud pump skid.
6′′ X 8′′离心增压泵,由100 HP, 3P, 480V, 60HZ, 1800-RPM 防爆电机驱动,电机安装在
b) High pressure fluid end modules with discharge manifold, discharge strainer, and
pulsation dampener. The pulsation dampener completes with 4′′ API 5000 psi bottom
高压流体端模块(带排浆管汇、排浆筛网和压力缓冲器)。压力缓冲器配4′′ API 5000 psi
c) 3′′ shear pin type relief valve.
3′′ 剪力销型溢流阀.
d) 2′′ discharge mud pressure gauge.
2′′ 排浆压力表.
e) 10′′ suction manifold with dampener.
10′′ 吸入管汇,带缓冲器.
f) Jib crane with accessories for handling fluid end parts.
g) Charging hose assembly and hydraulic valve seat puller.
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h) Mud pump discharge system should consist of 3-1/2′′ ID x 12ft. long API monogram
vibratory hose of 10,000 PSI test pressure and 5000 PSI working pressure, with
integral type end terminations, which is attached to the ground Dual stand pipe
manifold system through high pressure lines using hammer unions.
泥浆泵排放系统应包括1/2′′ ID x 12ft.长API 振动水龙带(试验压力10,000 PSI、工作压
力5000 PSI), 带整体式终端,此终端通过高压管线(带捶击式由壬)与地面双立管管
I) 3 HP, 3P, 460V, 60HZ, Explosion proof Motor for liner spray pump.
3 HP, 3P, 460V, 60HZ,防爆电机,用于缸套喷淋泵.
J) spanner for rotating mud pump crankshaft for maintenance
6-3 DC. motor-mud pump
6-4 泥浆泵电机
QTY. 4 EA. Model: YZ08/08A
数量:4 台
6-5 Pump Discharge lines
- Working pressure: 35MPa (5000psi.)
- 工作压力:
- Test Pressure 70MPa (10000psi)
- 试验压力:
- OD/ID: 5”/4”
- 外径/内径:
- Pipe connection: 4” union
- 接头:
- Length: 21’
- 长度:
6-6 Standpipe manifold
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Qty. 1 EA
- Mud pumps connect to a ground manifold configured with valves for isolating mud
pumps for maintenance and or repair during' target='_blank'>drilling operations.
- 与泥浆泵连接的地面管汇配有阀门,在钻井作业条件下断开泥浆泵以进行保养和维修.
- The ground manifold connects to the drillfloor standpipe manifold by dual hard pipe
sections joined by hammer leg unions.
- 地面管汇和钻台面立管管汇使用双硬管和捶击式由壬连接.
- The drillfloor manifold is a H-type, complete with four (4) vertically mounted 2” fig.
1502 type connections for pressure gauges and sensors for instrumentation, logging
instruments, kill manifold, fill-up lines, etc,
- 钻台面管汇为 H 型,配有4 个立式安装的2” fig. 1502 型接头,以连接仪器仪表、测
- The drillfloor manifold has dual standpipes extending into the mast, one (1) 2” bleed
off /fill up line
- 钻台面管汇为双立管式,延伸至井架内侧
- Working pressure 35MPa(5000psi)
- 工作压力:
- Nominal OD: 5”
- 公称外径:
- Nominal ID: 4”
- 公称内径:
- Working medium: water, mud, mixture of fluid
- 工作介质: 水、泥浆和混合液
- No. of 4” API gate valve at drill floor manifold: 5
- 钻台管汇4” API 门阀数量:
- No. of 4” API gate valve at ground manifold: 4
- 地面管汇4” API 门阀数量:
- No. Of 2” API gate valve: 4
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- 2” API 门阀数量:
- Ambient temperature: -29℃ to 80℃
- 环境温度:
- All of the above will be installed and clamped on vertical mounted substructure skid,
which will be fixed off-side of mast legs.
- 所有以上设备将安装和固定在立式底座装置上,立式底座装置将安装在远离井架大腿
6-7 Rotary Hose
Technical specifications:
- Working pressure: 35MPa(5000psi.)
- 工作压力:
- Test Pressure 70MPa(10000psi.)
- 试验压力:
- ID: 3-1/2”
- 内径:
- Pipe connection: 4” union
- 管接头: 4”由壬
- Length: One 75ft for top drive,one 63ft for Swivel
- 长度: 一条75ft 用于顶驱,一条63ft 用于水龙头
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动力系统, 电器设备和供气系统
7-1 Power Plant
The Main features of Power Plant are as follows:
- Consist o f4 sets of main generators;
- 由4 台主发电机组成;
- CAT3512B diesel engines with SR4 generators
- CAT3516B 柴油机,带SR4 发电机
- Sufficient DC power to be available to control and power;
- 提供充足的支流电力;
- Simultaneously two mud pumps and the rotary table all at full load and the
drawworks at half load;
- 在满负荷情况下同时为2 台泥浆泵和转盘提供动力力,并在半负荷情况下为绞车提供
- Sufficient AC power to be available to meet the power demand of all AC motors and
lighting equipment simultaneously;
- 提供充足的交流电,同时满足交流电机和照明设备的用电需要
- All engine’s exhaust pipes equipped with exhaust spark arresters, air inlet valve
controlled at the power plant.
- 所有柴油机排除管线要配火花防止器,动力装置进气阀
.1.1 Main Generator Sets
QTY. 4 EA. Model: CAT3512B
数量:4 台 型号: CAT3512B
- Equipped with ADEM A3 ECM. It includes exhaust mufflers, discharge pipe lines,
prelude and preheating device and also equipped with full instrumentation;
- 配 ADEM A3 ECM,包括排气消音器、排除管线、预热装置,并且配所有的仪表;
- Power and rotary speed 1102KW@1200RPM;
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- 功率和转速:
- Generator model: SR4B;
- 发电机形式:
- Voltage, Frequency and Power Factor: 600V, 60Hz, 0.7PF, 3P4W;
- 电压, 频率和功率因数:
- Product Standard Consist of:
- 产品标准组成:
- Air inlet system;
- 进气系统;
- Control system (Controls provided by the SCR supplier);
- 控制系统 (由SCR 实现控制);
- Cooling system;
- 冷却系统;
- Exhaust system;
- 排气系统;
- Fuel system;
- 燃料供应系统;
- Instrumentation;
- 仪表;
- Oil pressure
- 油压
- Fuel pressure
- 燃料压力
- Oil filter differential pressure
- 滤油器差压
- Water temperature
- 水温
- Tachometer
- 转速表
- Service meter
- 计数器
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- Exhaust temperature (Dual)
- 排气温度 (Dual)
- Lube system;
- 润滑系统;
- Desert type radiators for 60 deg C ambient and air intake filters will be
desert type.
- 沙漠型散热器,用于50 度环境,进气过滤器也应为沙漠型
- Protection system;
- 保护系统;
- Hydra-mechanical shutoffs (low oil pressure, high water temperature and
over speed, air inlet shutoff) Monitoring gauge and emergency remote
- 液压-机械停止 (低油压,高水温,超速,进气口停止) 监控表和紧急遥控停
- Alarm switches, low oil pressure, high water temperature for connection
to alarm panel;
- 警报开关,低油压,高水温,连接于警报仪表板;
- Manual shutoff control, LH
- 手动停止控制, LH
- Audio visual alarm panel
- 视听警报器仪表盘
- Air starting system
- 空气启动系统
- General (Cover painting: Caterpillar Yellow)
- 普通 (喷漆: Caterpillar 黄色)
.1.2 Main Generator house
QTY. 4 EA. Model: CAT3512B
数量: 4 台 型号: CAT3512B
- Dimension: 11m x 2.96m x 3.05m (L x W x H)
- 外型尺寸: 11m x 2.96m x 3.05m (L x W x H)
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- Generator house with a center split door at cooling fan end, and push a side doors at
both sides;
- 在发电机房冷却风扇端部设有中间开门的门,两侧配推拉门;
- All side walls can remove away to form an entire house;
- 所有的边墙能够移动拆出,以形成一个完整的空房;
- Complete with all binding posts and cables;
- 配所有的接线柱和电缆;
- Complete with all oil and air lines for diesel engines.
- 为柴油机配所有的油气管线.
.1.3 Auxiliary Generator set
QTY. 2 EA. Model: C15
数量: 1 台 型 号:C15
- 355HP at 1800rpm, it include exhaust muffler and equipped with full instrumentation;
- 在1200rpm 时功率为320KW,配有消音器及所有的仪表
- 480V, 60Hz, 1200RPM, 0.8PF, 320KW, 3P4W;
- Mounted on Auxiliary generator house
- 安装在辅助发电房内
.1.4 Auxiliary Generator house
QTY. 1 EA 1 套
- Dimension: 11m x 2.96m x 3.05m (L x W x H)
- 外型尺寸: 11m x 2.96m x 3.05m (L x W x H)
7-2 Air Supply System
Air compressor system integrated in generator houses and includes:
- 2 sets screw type air compressor sets
- 2 台螺杆空气压缩机
- One high effective radiator after cooling
- 一个高效冷却散热器
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- Maximum working pressure 0.96MPa(140 psi)
- 最大工作压力
- Pressure setting 8.5m3/min(299 cfm)
- 压力调整
- Motor power supply: 50HP 480V/60Hz/3PH
- 电机:
- Cooling type: air cooling
- 冷却方式: 风冷
- Auto start / stop motor driven screw type air compressor x 3 units complete
- 自动 启动/停止
- One complete set of total 10 m3 (2X1.75 + 4 m3) air storage tank complete with
instrumentation and air lines
- 一整套总容积为10 m3 (2X1.75 + 4 m3) 的空气储气罐,配相应的仪表和气管线
- Completed with air pipe, air valves, fittings,
- 配风管、阀门和附件
7.2.1 Electric Screw Air Compressor Sets
QTY. 2 EA. Model: LS12-50HH
数量: 2 台 型号: LS12-50HH
- -Air Displacement 5.5m3/min
- 排气量
- -Displaced Air Pressure 1MPa
- -空气压力
- Cooling Mode Air-cooling
- 冷却方式 风冷
- Motor Model 60HP(37kw)/480V
- 电机形式
- System Working Pressure 0.8MPa
- 系统工作压力
- Drier Type oilfield special-purpose high-temp freeze dryer
- 干燥机形式 微热再生型